Опубликовано 5 February '25
The 25th international exposition InterCHARM 2018 has concluded in Moscow.

The legendary beauty project opened its doors for all beauty lovers and professional beauticians between the 24th and 27th of October! This year, 1155 companies from a record number of countries (38!) took part. A holiday atmosphere permeated the stands – bright, positive, informative.

Traditionally, the FEMEGYL stand has become a platform for sharing experience among beauty industry specialists. It also has become an embodiment of innovative ideas in the creation of high-quality cosmetics. Creativity and quality on the cutting edge of science and application have become the fundamental direction of the creative laboratory represented at the stand. Anyone willing had an opportunity to obtain skills regarding the operation of the skin repair system and find out about the latest cosmetology trends that are setting the direction for the cosmetology product market.

A new product from the brand was also presented to the visitors – the intradermal FEMEGYL F1, F2 implant, which is different from analogous products in that it contains a patented germanium-organic chelate complex, which:
  • stimulates neocollagenogenesis, neoangiogenesis;
  • is an additional stabilizer of implants;
  • prolongs the action of HA;
  • increases the duration of its stay in the tissues.